First, I’d like to say a big thank you to all club members who have been following government guidelines and staying safe during this lockdown period. I’ve seen posts from other clubs where their members have been seen riding in large groups and breaking the guidelines set by Welsh Government over the last 6 weeks, so a big thank you for being so responsible.
Restrictions are slowly being lifted by Welsh Government and as an Affiliated club we need to follow the guidance from Welsh Triathlon before we can take part in any Triathlon related activities so for now keep doing what you are doing, and we will keep you updated via Facebook Group and newsletters. The latest update from British Triathlon and Home Nations (26th June) is as follows:
All organised triathlon activity is suspended until at least 7th July and more information can be found here
What does that mean for us as a club?
- In Wales organised club activities is suspended until further notice.
- Individual training activity is permitted in accordance with the relevant government instructions. For more information can be found here.
- 1:1 coaching activity is permitted (under specific conditions) For more information can be found here.
- BTF & Home Nations will maintain a 1-week rolling review of their suspension of group activity such that a minimum of a one-week suspension will always be in place or the suspension will be lifted with one weeks’ notice
- Any activity taking place in contravention of government instructions will not be covered by BTF insurance policies.
What you can do.
- In Wales, two households may meet together outside, so long as you all remain at least 2m apart.
- Travel to exercise should be avoided unless there is a valid reason for doing so. The advice is that you should remain within five miles of your home.
- Cycling You can ride with a member(s) from another household, so long as you all remain at least 2m apart.
- Running You can run with a member(s) from another household, so long as you all remain at least 2m apart.
Open water swimming
Open water swimming is permitted, but you should take care and consider if this is appropriate. You can swim in the sea or at Llanelli North Dock, providing both are within five miles of your home.
You can swim with a member(s) from another household, so long as you all remain at least 2m apart.
Glynneath Lakes are CLOSED to all triathlon activity. Please don’t attempt to swim at the lakes as this could result in any future club activity being suspended by the landowner and possibly lose access to the lakes.
Update: A recent meeting this evening between the landowner and the 4 authorised triathlon clubs that use the lakes, have agreed to suspend all swimming activities at GlynNeath lakes due to COVID-19 and will be reviewed on 20th July. This was based on current Welsh Government and Welsh Triathlon guidelines.
We will continue to monitor the situation and provide updates where appropriate.
We will be in touch again soon
Stay safe everyone!
Celtic Tri Committee
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