Please note that we will be operating under guidelines issued by Welsh Triathlon and the Welsh Government.
COVID-19 Risk Assessments have been completed by Committee and signed off by our COVID-19 officer.
We will require everyone attending running track to follow these guidelines.
1. Please do not attend the session if you or any members of household have signs or symptoms of COVID-19.
2. Please arrive ready to train.
3. In order for the club to operate a “track and trace” system, you will be required to complete a booking ticket with EventBright. We will hold the information for 21 days, and use it if required to do so as part of our commitment to Test, Trace and Protect Strategy as outlined by Welsh Government.
4. The running track will operate a one way system. Entrance will be via the main track gates and exit will be via the gates adjacent to the astro turf pitch. These will be operated by 2 x club volunteers whose numbers will be included in the current guidelines of max 30 people.
5. Please wash your hands before attending. Hand sanitiser will be available at the entrance and the exit.
6. All sessions will be CASH ONLY and correct monies will be placed in a sealed collection box on arrival to track. This will be reviewed monthly. (Currently looking at an online payment solution)
7. When you ‘Check In’ to the running track session you will be asked a series of health screening questions before being admitted onto the track, you will also be given hand sanitiser to use on your hands.
8. Once on the track please move to your designated training area and do not wait around the entrance.
9. A reminder that there is to be no physical contact between athletes from different households at any time and no moving between groups once on the running track.
10. Parents of younger athletes will need to remain outside the track or in the car park. Strictly NO spectating in the stands or trackside.
11. There will be training cones at designated areas spaced out at 2m intervals. These are for athletes to place themselves and only their water bottles/tops next too. These are to be touched only by coaches and will be cleaned at the end of the session by coaches.
12. In the event of an injury on the track, mask and gloves will be on hand to facilitate assistance to the athlete within the 2m safe distance. Neath Sports Centre staff will be called if a serious injury occurs.
13. Following the conclusion of the training session, athletes / coaches / members should be encouraged to leave the facility immediately to avoid gatherings in car parks / communal areas. Athletes should use hand sanitisers as they exit and wash their hands as soon as practically feasible after training.
13. Should athletes, coaches, volunteers or parents/carers develop COVID-19 symptoms in the days following training, it is imperative that they notify the club COVID-19 Officer as soon as possible. See below for contact details.
More information on the Clubs Contact Tracing can be found here
Thank you for your patience and your cooperation. If you have any queries or concerns please feel free to contact me or a member of the coaching/committee.
Mark Evans (Chairperson)
Club contacts
Mark Evans – Chairperson Celtic Tri ([email protected])
Samantha Jane Perrott – Club COVID-19 officer. (07393 037602)
Richard Clifford – Lead Coach for Juniors. (07793 059758)
Andrea Griffiths – Welfare Officer ([email protected])