NOTICE is given here-by of the 16th Annual General Meeting of Celtic Tri to be held at Morriston Leisure Centre (TBC) on Sunday 20th March 2022 at 1:30pm to 2:30pm, to consider and if thought suitable pass resolutions as to the ordinary business of the Club relating to the committee, and accounts and statement and of any special resolutions.
- Opening of Meeting.
- Apologies for absence.
- Minutes of previous AGM (2021).
- To receive and approve Annual Reports.
- To receive the Treasurer’s Financial Statement for the year.
- Club Constitution
- Election of Officers
To receive and consider nominations (to Secretary no less than 21 days before) for and the election of:
- Chairperson
- Deputy Chairperson
- Coach co-ordinator (To formally appoint Sam Perrott to the committee)
- Welfare Officer (To formally appoint Amy Jones to the committee)
- Social & Fundraising Officer
- Comms & Marketing Officer
- Membership Secretary
8. AOB (prior notice required).
9. Closure of Meeting.
Roles for election in 2022 are listed above, and more information on each role can be seen here
Nominations should be sent to Club Secretary – Jen Aylward no later than 21 days prior to AGM
Following the short AGM there will be time for members to give their views on the future development of the club and is your chance to help shape what we do in 2022 and beyond so please feel free to contribute your ideas.
RSVP – please to the Club Secretary, so that suitable seating arrangements may be made.