Contact Tracing Procedures (31st July 2020)
Celtic Tri will be following Welsh Government and the Welsh Sports Association Contact Tracing Guidance, see below for more information:
Contact Tracing – How it works
- Any person who suspects they may have Covid – 19 (or has symptoms) should self-isolate along with other members of their household
- They should apply for a test. This can be done online or by telephoning NHS 111
- If the test is positive, they will be contacted by the TTPS
- The TTPS will get details of contacts the infected person has had since two-days prior to the first symptoms – Our COVID-19 officer has this information from session registers
- The TTPS will contact people that have been in contact with the infected person.
- Celtic Tri will not contact any coaches, officials, members, parents or guardians, it is the job of the TTPS to do this (unless they instruct us to, which is unlikely)
- We have no control over members, parents/guardians or anyone else that has contracted COVID-19 from speaking about it on social media. Please remember that if you talk about it you could be breaching GDPR and that persons personal information. This is CONFIDENTIAL – DON’T GOSSIP!
Useful links